Going through a divorce is a life-changing event, and in addition to the stress that divorce puts on a family, the complex legal requirements of the process can make it even more difficult. We are here to help you through the process.
Initial Petition and Pre-Trial
In the 5th Judicial District in Iowa, which compromises the majority of the Des Moines metro area, we have a few additional steps. All divorces in Iowa start with one party filing a Petition for Dissolution, and the other party either has to be formally served or accept service of the dissolution action. In addition to the normal legal processes that are required to start a dissolution action, in the 5th Judicial District, we have a Pre-Trial Conference that is set ninety (90) days after filing of the action.
Pre-Trial Process
The pre-trial conference requirements in the 5th district are a benchmark for parties to complete and exchange financial information and attend a Children in the Middle class, for dissolutions with minor children. The financial information is comprised of completing and filing an Affidavit of Financial Status and Child Support Guidelines. An Affidavit of Financial status is a disclosure of the parties individual and marital assets, debts, and property.
Child Support Guidelines calculate the amount of child support based on the parties’ income and proposed custodial arrangement. The parties are also required to attend a short class called “Children in the Middle” which is a class for parents going through dissolutions to remind them to put their kids first while going through this difficult process.
Let McCormally & Cosgrove Help
Divorce is a complex matter that requires a lawyer with empathy and expertise. When you file for dissolution, McCormally & Cosgrove, PLLC will assist you in fulfilling these requirements for your dissolution action.